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Dear Friend,
Difficulties encountered in efforts to establish a business abroad
necessitate this search for someone to assist me in securing and investing
the sum of USD41,000.000 forty one million dollars)inherited from my
father's business reserve.
I am the heir of a Zimbabwean family; my father was an agriculturist.
He became rich from his old-aged investment in agriculture and later was
victimized by President Robert Mugabe's land reform policy. He was
assassinated by unknown gunmen for defending his land ownership and siding
the minority white farmers. Before his death, my father foresaw the
insecurity of both our lives and property then decided to deposit the
above sum with a private finance and security firm in Europe. This money
has become the only inherited property of our family since our home was
burnt,and the farmlands and machines seized; yet the government and it's
loyalists are bent on making life difficult for us.
To summarise this traumatic story, my mother and I have decided to
offer 15% of the above sum to anyone who assists us to secure this funds
overseas or 25% share for possible help on investing in any reliable
there are however some minimal cost involved in securing the release of
this deposit from the present holding company.i do not intend to
overburden you with these cost.but you must know beforehand that we will be
sharing whatever cost involved in retrieving this deposit and putting it
to beneficial use.
if you would want to proceed under these terms,please reply for
detailed information. if you do not accept my offer,please in good fate treat
with utmost confidentiality . A quick reply with your name,telephone
and fax numbers for more confidential communication will be highly
Sincerely yours,
patkice luco.

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