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SubjectRe: networking bugs and
> > Ok, responding so that the response appears also
> > at the bug db is another story.
> That is possible to do - there's patches to Bugzilla that implement an
> email interface, but it has some problems like the one you pointed out
> above. One possiblility is to make people manually do something to the
> email for each reply, but that's rather ugly.
> Hopefully we can discuss this more at OLS this year, and get a plan
> going forward that people are happy with. I'm well aware that Bugzilla
> is not the perefect tool, but I think it's better than what we had
> before (yeah, I know some of us disagree), and is easy to change.
> I'd rather start with something simple, and evolve it to the needs of
> the community than try dumping something complex onto people up front.

I did make the effort to make a dedicated bug database for kernel
development in December last year. Do people actively hate it, or are
they just not aware of it? :-). I got some very favourable comments
early on, and a review in a Linux magazine, but haven't had much
feedback recently about it. I was specifically trying to address the
kind of problems we're seeing with Bugzilla...

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