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SubjectRe: PATCH - ALPS glidepoint/dualpoint driver for 2.5.7x
On  June 27, wrote:
> Is there any trick to force enabling ALPS support? I'm using a NEC
> Chrom@ laptop with an ALPS GlidePoint touchpad, 2.5.73-mm1 and your
> patch, but I can't seem to get the enhanced functionality of my
> touchpad, like using the edges of the touchpad to simulate the wheel or
> else. It seems to behave like a normal PS/2 mouse.

Well, if it behaves like a normal PS/2 mouse, it is quite possibly
working :-)
That patch didn't add any obvious new functionality. It just change
things to the ALPS device was used in absolute mode.
If you manage to find evtest.c, you can watch events on
/dev/input/event1 (or similar) and see the absolute event.

The next step is adding scroll-edge functionality and similar things
to mousedev.c
I've almost got it so that when yor finger hits the edge of the
touchpad, the mouse keeps moving, and moves faster if you press
harder. Once I'm happy with that I'll post it and start on the
scroll-wheel thing.

> Also, on dmesg, I can't see any reference to an ALPS input device being
> detected. Any ideas?

No, the device isn't detected exactly. See point 2 in the original

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