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SubjectRe: PATCH - ALPS glidepoint/dualpoint driver for 2.5.7x
On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 04:38, Neil Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> The following adds support for the ALPS glidepoint/dualpoint pointing
> devices to the mouse driver in 2.5.7x
> It "works-for-me" but there are issues that probably need to be
> addressed.
> 1/ The code is based on other code fragments I have collected off the
> internet. I have found no documentation and the one request I made to
> ALPS has so-far been unanswered. So I cannot be sure it is right,
> but as I say it seems to work.
> 2/ It appears (but see 1) that it is not possible to reliably detect
> an ALPS device. There is a sequence where you send 3 SetRes2:1
> commands, and then a GetStatus command and you get something which
> isn't really a status, but I don't know what range of status
> values mean "ALPS". I tried checking for "any status which must
> be wrong" i.e. any status that say the device is in 1:1 mode, or
> is enabled etc. But a Logitech mouse seem to respond
> interestingly to that sequence too.
> Also, there is no guarantee that the reply will come from the ALPS
> device. For example, on my Dell Latitude D800, if I have a
> logitech mouse plugged in the expansion port, the GetStatus reply
> comes from the logitech and not the ALPS. So it would seem that
> reliable detection is impossible.
> So the current code always sends the ALPS set-absolute-mode
> sequence (4 disables before the enable) unless a
> non-3-byte-protocol device was detected.
> There are two consequences of always assuming an ALPS that may not
> be good.
> 1) The mouse always claims to generate various ABS events even
> when there might not be any ABS-generating device behind the
> mouse.
> 2) The driver could misinterpret a normal mouse event that
> overflowed in the negative direction for both X and Y as part
> of an ALPS absolute event. This is because ALPS absolute
> events are detected by checking if the top 5 bits of the first
> byte are all one. I doubt this is a real problem as double
> overflows are very unlikely (aren't they?)
> 3/ I haven't set the Min and Max absolute values (though both X and
> Y seem to range from 0 to 100 in practice on my notebook).
> This was because declaring a Min and Max causes the mousedev
> driver to scale values to fit a supposed screen size, and I don't
> think that is really appropriate for a touchpad. Would there be
> some other way to decide when to scale? I would like to be able
> to include Min and Max so that a post-processor (possibly in
> mousedev) would be able to differentiate edge based activity
> (scroll regions, corner taps, etc).
> This patch also includes a fix for mousedev_event that allows it to
> work sensibly with a touchpad in absolute mode. With a touchpad, if
> you lift your finger and place it down again you don't want that to
> be interpreted as movement, but mousedev_event currently will.
> I have changed it so that if ABS_PRESSURE is an available event,
> then a new ABS_{X,Y} event while the current ABS_PRESSURE is zero
> will not generate any movement.

Is there any trick to force enabling ALPS support? I'm using a NEC
Chrom@ laptop with an ALPS GlidePoint touchpad, 2.5.73-mm1 and your
patch, but I can't seem to get the enhanced functionality of my
touchpad, like using the edges of the touchpad to simulate the wheel or
else. It seems to behave like a normal PS/2 mouse.

Also, on dmesg, I can't see any reference to an ALPS input device being
detected. Any ideas?


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