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SubjectRe: networking bugs and

Some people have already written part of what I'll say but I'll give a
quick POV anyway.

1. a single centralised database is *good*. This allows bugs to be
reassigned at need without loosing history (eg networking does not work
and investigation reveals its because of broken irq routing...). The
easiest way right now to kill a report is to ask to move it to another
mailing list.

2. bugs are never lost/ignored. They might move from maintainer to
maintainer but at least no one can feel "it involves x y z - I maintain
x but y or z maintainer are better suited to handle it, let them do it"

3. single human point-of-failure is a false problem - using a mailing
list as default assignee can help spread the load (one could say this
negates 2. but a small group of QA can insure no bug is left sleeping

4. bugzilla is well known - it might have its warts but they are less
annoying for the average user that to have to learn rt... interface.


Nicolas Mailhot
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