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Subject[ALPHA][2.5.7x] Problems with execve assembly rewriting

A few releases ago, Alpha's implementation of execve was rewritten
entirely in assembly. Since then, the Jensen is unable to boot
(crashes as soon as it reaches userland).

This is the latest BK :

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 5345432039323a38
swapper(1): Oops 0
pc = [<fffffc0000496080>] ra = [<fffffc0000499e60>] ps = 0000 Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf64-alpha -a alpha
v0 = fffffc0003fbbdd8 t0 = 00000000616d2820 t1 = 0000000033372e35
t2 = 000000006920676e t3 = 5345432039323a34 t4 = fffffc0003fbbec0
t5 = fffffc0003fbbec0 t6 = 0000000000000003 t7 = fffffc0003fb8000
s0 = ffffffffde11f2c7 s1 = 000000003f7f1ae7 s2 = ffffffffd1ca0615
s3 = fffffffff3b8134e s4 = fffffc0000581b60 s5 = 0000000000000000
s6 = fffffc00005229e9
a0 = fffffc00005229e9 a1 = fffffffff3b8134e a2 = 000000003f7f1ae7
a3 = 0000000000000000 a4 = 000000000001c200 a5 = 0000000000000000
t8 = 0000000000000000 t9 = fffffc0003fc3700 t10= 0000000000002800
t11= 0000000000002580 pv = fffffc0000495fe0 at = 0000000000000001
gp = fffffc00005ad198 sp = fffffc0003fbbad8
Trace:fffffc0000499e60 fffffc0000376468 fffffc00003776ec fffffc0000323b0c fffffc00003134fc fffffc0000348dd0 fffffc0000349124 fffffc00003490a0 fffffc0000318558 fffffc0000318790 fffffc0000442c50 fffffc0000443b68 fffffc000033200c fffffc000032cf38 fffffc0000318244 fffffc0000318ca8 fffffc0000319260 fffffc00003101e8 fffffc0000313448
Code: 401f000e e5400098 4189000c b53e0048 a48f00d8 b7fe0040 <a0240004> e4200058

>>RA; fffffc0000499e60 <skb_checksum_help+50/120>

>>PC; fffffc0000496080 <skb_checksum+a0/360> <=====

Trace; fffffc0000499e60 <skb_checksum_help+50/120>
Trace; fffffc0000376468 <open_exec+28/150>
Trace; fffffc00003776ec <do_execve+3c/280>
Trace; fffffc0000323b0c <schedule+2cc/4f0>
Trace; fffffc00003134fc <execve+4c/80>
Trace; fffffc0000348dd0 <rmqueue_bulk+a0/d0>
Trace; fffffc0000349124 <buffered_rmqueue+184/1a0>
Trace; fffffc00003490a0 <buffered_rmqueue+100/1a0>
Trace; fffffc0000318558 <setup_irq+f8/120>
Trace; fffffc0000318790 <request_irq+c0/130>
Trace; fffffc0000442c50 <serial8250_interrupt+0/140>
Trace; fffffc0000443b68 <serial8250_set_termios+348/450>
Trace; fffffc000033200c <update_process_times+5c/80>
Trace; fffffc000032cf38 <do_softirq+138/150>
Trace; fffffc0000318244 <handle_IRQ_event+74/f0>
Trace; fffffc0000318ca8 <handle_irq+188/1d0>
Trace; fffffc0000319260 <do_entInt+c0/150>
Trace; fffffc00003101e8 <init+108/1b0>
Trace; fffffc0000313448 <kernel_thread+28/90>

Code; fffffc0000496068 <skb_checksum+88/360>
0000000000000000 <_PC>:
Code; fffffc0000496068 <skb_checksum+88/360>
0: 0e 00 1f 40 addl v0,zero,s5
Code; fffffc000049606c <skb_checksum+8c/360>
4: 98 00 40 e5 beq s1,268 <_PC+0x268>
Code; fffffc0000496070 <skb_checksum+90/360>
8: 0c 00 89 41 addl s3,s0,s3
Code; fffffc0000496074 <skb_checksum+94/360>
c: 48 00 3e b5 stq s0,72(sp)
Code; fffffc0000496078 <skb_checksum+98/360>
10: d8 00 8f a4 ldq t3,216(fp)
Code; fffffc000049607c <skb_checksum+9c/360>
14: 40 00 fe b7 stq zero,64(sp)
Code; fffffc0000496080 <skb_checksum+a0/360> <=====
18: 04 00 24 a0 ldl t0,4(t3) <=====
Code; fffffc0000496084 <skb_checksum+a4/360>
1c: 58 00 20 e4 beq t0,180 <_PC+0x180>

The stack looks quite messy (what is skb_checksum doing here ?), but
execve caught my eyes... Excluding the whole execve rewriting
change-set let the system boot without any problem.

Let me know if I can do something to help debugging the thing.


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