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Subject2.5.7[123] PS/2 issues (synaptics mouse and laptop keyboard)
Afternoon kernel-gurus :)

Every 2.5 kernel since 2.5.70-mm9 that I have tried to use has failed to
work properly.
The primary issue is as mentioned elsewhere that the synaptics touchpad
simply doesn't work when psmouse is loaded. The psmouse_noext option
results in behaviour worse than the old default where no tap-to-click
works at all.

However, there are other issues with the new ps/2 code, the keyboard
appears to get interrupt stormed at sometimes (or something) and I find
that letters either appear repeated (once for each keystroke after the
offending letter) or the keyboard response rate drops so low that I have
to type like a hunt-and-pecker in order to ensure that all of my
characters are captured.

I am up for any troubleshooting projects you wish to send me on, but I
don't know enough about kernel drivers to hunt down these issues in the
ps/2 code myself.

Thanks much for any help,

Brandon Low
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