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Subject[PATCH] builtin stack support
hi folks

the following patch
- modifies the security modules registering code to built a stack of
modules themself
- changes the internal interface of the security functions to get a
pointer to that stack
- the dummy functions always traverse through the stack
- register the dummy functions as a special security module
- drop the cap_* declaration
- drop mod_(un)reg_security
- add a name parameter to (un)register_security

missing things
- register_security isn't called, it may decide if it allowes the other
module to be stacked together.

- it is possible to stack modules together without special support by
the modules
- add functions which will be handled by a non standard module without
need to modify the standard one

- abi change, change of the security inline functions
- root_plug is currently unbuildable because the exports of the cap_*
functions are dropped, it don't need to use them directly
- if the modules don't define a function, the call always travers
through the stack until it hits the dummy module
- more pointer needs to be dereferences, more parameter

future enhancements
- define different stacks for different types of functions (may be

i currently write a kernel extension which needs a security module
themself and i want to be able to load this module regardless of the
actual loaded modules.

i know that the patch is large, it needs to change one thing many times.


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