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SubjectRE: Flaw in the driver-model implementation of attributes
> From:
> > So what? _every_ block device will have some form of physical
> > back-up that can be linked back into sysfs.
> ... except ones that will not. Wonderful. I bow to that logics - there
> is nothing it wouldn't cover.

Thank you }:) - we like it or not, data goes somewhere.

> > In the tree structure it makes sense, because each block
> > device, at the end is or a partition (and thus is embedded
> > in a "true" block device) or a true block device on a 1:1
> > relationship with a physical device.
> BS. There is nothing to stop you from having a block device that talks
> to userland process instead of any form of hardware. As the matter of
> fact, we already have such a beast - nbd. There is also RAID - where

Sure, there: /sys/devices/"virtual"/nbd/0

> there fsck is 1:1 here? There's also such thing as RAID5 over partitions
> that sit on several disks - where do you see 1:1 or 1:n or n:1?


> There is such thing as e.g. encrypted loop over NFS. There are all
> sorts of interesting things, with all sorts of interesting relationship
> to some pieces of hardware.


Don't you have to do "-o loop" when you mount a loopback?
... same thing happens with nbd and RAID, you have to
tell the kernel to create the actual devices (or it
does); that they show up nowhere in sysfs (yet) is different.

Iñaky Pérez-González -- Not speaking for Intel -- all opinions are my own
(and my fault)
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