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SubjectQ: how to run linux in a diskimage on NTFS
Hi folks,

I want to run linux on an embedded system that does
not have a CDROM or FLOPPY, so the only possibility
is to go over the network.

The machine is running WinXP, and I would prefer not
to install a boot manager, or destroy the filesystem,
which is NTFS.

Is there a possibility to do the following:

1) put the following files on the NTFS partition:
bootsector (<- don't know how to create this one)
bootmanager (<- don't know what to put here)
kernel image
ramdisk image
disk image
2) call the bootsector from NTLDR
3) call the bootmanager from the bootsector
4) load the kernel and ramdisk image from the bootmanager
5) mount the NTFS partition READ-WRITE
6) mount the disk image READ-WRITE over the loopback device

7) if possible, disable NTFS/WRITE for anything but the disk image.

Can anyone advise me on which bootmanager to use?
Can anyone tell me if this is possible?

-- lode

ps: please CC me directly

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