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Subject2.5.69-mm3 uncompilable config oddities
Summary: 2.5.69-mm3 don't compile if:
* crypto HMAC support is off
* PCI IDE chipset is selected but Generic PCI bus-master DMA is off

I tried to compile a kernel for a rescue disk - which
is supposed to be small. So I disabled lots of stuff.
But crypto and HMAC is necessary, or I get missing symbols.
Other crypto algorithms can be turned off.

Why IDE without DMA? Because that particular machine
happens to have the broken VIA chipset that IDE maintainers
don't want to hear any complaints about. Why compile
in DMA support that can't be used anyway? But my PIO only kernel
had missing symbols. This is easily worked around by selecting
DMA and leaving "PCI DMA by default" off.

Helge Hafting

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