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Subject3ware Raid
Hi all,

this is not a "kernel-only" question but maybe someone who knows 3ware
raid controllers (and the driver) could help me.

Currently my 3ware 6xxx RAID controller tells me that my RAID-Array
(stripe-set with two maxtor 120 GB disks) is incomplete (even if I
delete the array and create a new one - after a reboot the array is
marked "incomplete").

The BIOS of the 3ware controller shows me both disks, but one is
always makred as "available" and the raid-array is missing one drive.

The strange part: the Linux kernel doesn't care about this and mounts
my array correctly! And the array works so far - it seems to me, don't
know if there will be any surprises the next days ;-)

Now... should I care about this? Is my array broken or not? And why
does the Linux driver think my array is ok and the 3ware BIOS not?

Thanks for any help,

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