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SubjectRe: Albatron KM18G PRO/RedHat 9.0 - disk errors and system seizures...
On Sun, 4 May 2003, Brad Laue wrote:

> Brian Dushaw wrote:
> > I've installed RedHat 9.0 three times now - going on the fourth. Most
> > recently I upgraded the kernel with the RedHat update, to similar effect. The
> > problem seems to be two fold: system lockups and disk errors.
> The RedHat kernel is massively modified, especially in version 9.0 of
> the distribution. Try a vanilla kernel and see if the system continues
> to misbehave.

A fourth install...

I've tried the 2.4.21-rc1-acX kernel (after trials and tribulations with
RedHat - the compilation kept segmentation faulting). This seems to be
somewhat more stable, but still unstable. Sorry to be vague, but if I could
be more specific I could probably solve the problem... I still get X-windows/
system seizures, although I can't say I have any disk errors now (except
perhaps for those caused by the lockups.) I am going to try an offboard
video card to see if that helps (the onboard video apparently uses system
ram for its memory - I don't know if this makes a difference to linux or not).

I tried using only one memory card, which did not solve the problem (i.e.,
twin bank memory is not the problem).

Disk access is about twice as fast (~60 MB/s by hdparm -tT) now with the new
kernel, if only the system were stable! I watched Lawrence of Arabia on
DVD (3.5 hr movie) with this same system in Win2K without a problem, so the
problem would appear to be linux OS specific.

Still trolling for advice, thanks,


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