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Subjectweird keyboard with 2.5.70

i am running 2.5 kernels, 2.5.70 right now and i always have this
keyboard problem: when booting, usb kbd and a ps/2 kbd gets installed.
but when i first try to use them, one keypress gives me 5+ chars.
so would have to login with "rrrrrooooooootttttt" as user name.

when i unplug/replug say the usb kbd, the usb kbd is working right,
while the ps/2 kbd is still behaving this weird. i have to unplug/replug
the ps/2 kbd too.

i *think* i read this thing in a FAQ already but i couldn't remember. or the lk-ml FAQ gave nothin, a chat on #kernelnewbies
made me believe something very strange is going on.

for clarification i want to repeat the problem in another way:

- one ps/2 keyboard *and* one usb keyboard is plugged into the PC (yes,
i have _2_ kbds)
- ps/2 and usb kbd support is compile statically into the kernel:


- the computer boots up, the kbd driver get loaded, i sit in front of
some login prompt (X or console)

- the usb kbd is only writing ttthhhiiiissss way.
- i try the ps/2 kbd, it is also writing only ttthhhhiiiisss way.
(i was able to write "root" in a sane way, but the password.....)
- i unplug the usb kbd and replug it --> i can use the usb kbd.
- the ps/2 is still behaving this weird, so i have to unplug/replug the
ps/2 kbd to use it, too.

i noticed the problem once with 2.5.65(?) on linux/alpha, with a single
ps/2 kbd connected. but the problem disappeared somehow.

Thank you for any hints,

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