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SubjectRe: Digital Rights Management - An idea (okay a crap idea, ok?)

> Your idea is fundamentally flawed. You can always add more layers of
> self-checking-self-checkers, but this does not change the fact that the
> idea is fundamentally flawed.
> I'm sorry - it's not that I don't like you or anything like that - but
> the idea is stupid, just give it up :)

It is isn't it? :-) I'll think of something else to protect my code :-)
I'd say fundamentally fucked.

I only thought of it as a way to protect my code from being
misused by companys protecting thier hardware registers and specs.

Hmmm... Im going to have another chat with my solicitors :-)

I won't however put £67,000 in rn'd down the pan by people
exploiting me :-)

Perhaps i'll do a direct X type thing and make the v.92
library/codec/stack proprietary with LGPL -> GPL --> kernel
linking, free of course :)

My solicitors say at least three companies would abuse
the GPL code ive done.

I have to get the code ready for a site, possibly SF but
probably not.
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