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Hi folks,

I've been trying to install linux on an IBM X31 Centrino laptop the last
few days. There are a few things that doesn't work so well. Like agp
driver (radeon.o) and the IDE subsystem. I've been trying to install it
with SuSE Pro 8.2 which is using a 2.4.20 kernel. The question I'd like
to ask is what the Centrino support is like in kernel 2.4.x and 2.5.x
and what the outlook would be on this should the support be a bit

I have the laptop at home, and I would be willing to try things out to
get them working, so if there were patches to try out (preferably
against a 2.4.20 kernel) I'd be happy to do that.

Not entirely sure what data you'd guys would like, but I will follow up
with a lspci listing shortly.

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