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SubjectRE: centrino
> From: Jeffrey Baker [] 

> Here was my collected experience on a Centrino machine,
> before I returned it in favor of an iBook:

> [snipped description of how PM, cpu perf states, and wlan don't work
on Linux]

It's kind of sad, but I don't think that this means that Centrino has
somehow worsened the Linux laptop experience -- it's just one example of
how *all* laptops aren't optimal under Linux.

OEMs tried selling Linux laptop SKUs a few years ago and they didn't
sell. If the Linux community wants good laptop support, it cannot rely
on anyone but itself to make that happen. Just like Linux on servers in
the old days. :) I can see this happening on acpi-devel and cpufreq
mailing lists, but obviously, as your experience proved, there's still
work to do.

Regards -- Andy
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