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SubjectRe: request_firmware() hotplug interface, third round and a halve

Two comments on firmware_class_hotplug(), maybe both are irrelevant.

+int firmware_class_hotplug(struct class_device *class_dev, char **envp,
+ int num_envp, char *buffer, int buffer_size)
+ struct firmware_priv *fw_priv = class_get_devdata(class_dev);
+ int i=0;
+ char *scratch=buffer;
+ if (buffer_size < (FIRMWARE_NAME_MAX+10))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ envp [i++] = scratch;
+ scratch += sprintf(scratch, "FIRMWARE=%s", fw_priv->fw_id) + 1;
+ return 0;

First, I do not understand how the environment is handled here. You're
just setting first element of provided environment to "FIRMWARE=%s",
possibly overwriting the existing value. Then why are you incrementing
`i'? Why are you using `i' at all? Why are you incrementing `scratch'?

Ah, it seems like you should be using num_envp somehow, and you're not.

Also, environment pointer list must be terminated with a NULL pointer. Is
it not done or is that handled somewhere else? The machine I have 2.5.69
sources is not reachable now so I cannot check it. Sorry if I am wrong.

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