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Subjectusb keyboard problem.

I have an usb keyboard, and it has some extra keys (internet keys,
multimedia keys).
If I use the keyboard in ps/2 port, all of those extra buttons work,
because I can bind the extra keys's keycodes in a hotkeys program.
If I use the keyboard in the usb port, some of the extra keys don't
work. In plain console, if I push some of the "non-working" extra
buttons, I get these error messages:

keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 259
keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 259

The problem is, that I can not bind keycode 259 in X, because it only
works for keycodes between 8 - 255. But when I use the keyboard in the
usb port, I get too high keycodes like (see above) 259, which I can not use.
I (fortunately) have a few working internet buttons. If I press those in
plain console, I get these messages:

keyboard: unknown scancode e0 66

I don't think this is an error, because that key, which "produces" the
"keyboard: unknown scancode e0 66" message, works under X, and can be
binded to an action.

Is there any chance to make the keyboard work similarly in the ps/2 and
the usb port?

Please try to help me with this problem, I'm already through the
xfree86-list, and the debian-user list, but nobody could help me.


Levai Daniel

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