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SubjectRe: The disappearing sys_call_table export.
Masud wrote:

> But isn't swap crypting fun ? :-) Running encrypted swap is okay so long
> as we throw away the key after each session. This can be easily (famous
> last words) achieved under crypto kernels. I am not certain if such
> functionaility is being contemplated for the Linux kernel along with the
> new cryptoloop stuff, if there isn't i can volunteer to put something
> like that in - if we are interested. Are we?

The README already explains how to use it as encrypted swap. I've been
using it for quite a while without problems.

If you feel like volunteering for an encrypted swap, I suggest the model
used by OpenBSD. Instead of using an encrypted swap dev with one random
key, they seem to have a per-process key and encrypt swap areas of the
process with its key. When a process dies, its key dies with it, so the
swap space it used is considered clean without having to wait for an
override or a reboot.

Another fun project is encrypted hibernation (suspend-to-disk). Once the
kernel contains a stable hibernation option, I'm certainly going to
encrypt it.

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