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SubjectOOPS in airo driver, 2.4 serial, skbuff.c: 315
Marc Giger wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 17:47:55 -0500
> Christopher Curtis <> wrote:
>> > I use a cisco pcmcia aironet card.
>> > kernel: kernel BUG at skbuff.c:315!
>>I have the same problem with 2.4.21-pre5; do you know of a patch?
> Yep, look @
> This driver is fixed but I still have the same just takes a little more time until it shows up...
> IMPORTANT: Please report bugs to Javier Achirica <> AND to the lkml!

Hello all,

I had been running a 2.4.19 kernel with the same configuration without
any problems. I was told that I had to cut the TxPower from 100mW to
20mW and found that this could only be done in the prepatches for the
2.4.x series, so I upgraded to the latest 2.4.21-pre5 kernel. I had
been using the card without any problems using apt-get. Then I tried
connecting to the machine using VNC. The system would OOPS in under a
minute, regularly and repeatedly.

This morning I came in regretting not only the time change, but the
possibility that I'd have to spend the next few days bug hunting.
However, it appears that there may be a 'tell': aux_bap. Normally, the
only airo.o option I specified was the SSID, which defaulted the aux_bap
setting to 0. I set this value to 1, disabled my firewall settings, and
ran VNC again. No crashes. I re-enabled the firewall and let it run.
No crashes. It ran fine for about 1/2 hr.

I then removed the aux_bap parameter, reloaded the driver, and tried to
test some more. Within 10 seconds, before VNC had painted the full
screen, I got:

airo: BAP error 4000 2ocal Loopback
Warning kfree_skb passed an skb still on a list (from d0ae27dc)
kernel BUG at skbuff.c:315!
invalid operand: 0000
and a bunch of other things I can't ksymoops.

I think the "ocal Loopback" is cruft from a previous ifconfig. However,
it may be important to note that I was doing an ifconfig when this
happened (probably not). FWIW: eth0 (onboard) printed fine, as did eth1
(the airo), then the 'lo' was overwritten by the OOPS.

I hope this is helpful to someone,

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