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Subject[PATCH] New radeonfb fork
Hi !

As I told a while ago, I'm forking radeonfb for now, at least
until Ani (current maintainer) either give me maintainership
or gets all that stuff in the official version.

I need testers, and I'd appreciate any patches people may have
for it as well since I know a bunch of ppl have been spreading
various radeonfb patches around, I want to take over all of these
and see what is worth getting in. For 2.5, I'm working on a
complete rewrite (& split) of the driver.

So far, I already have something to play with that fixes a
bunch of issues. Patches against 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre7 can
be found here: (too big to inline). Note that I also bring
in various other pci_ids.h updates but that shouldn't harm
you and is easier that way for me ;)

NOTE: It's known that radeonfb is incompatible with ATI binary
GL drivers (at least it crashes the machine on a friend's r300),
I'm investigating.


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