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SubjectRe: Why DRM exists [was Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!]
Could you explain to me how this is any more off-topic than the whole 
DRM thread? I don't want to be a jerk about it, but my original
statement was directly in response to McVoy's ostensive assertion (as
interpreted by some people) that open source developers don't do
anything innovative whereas commercial vendors do.

So, was I off topic? Within the realm of the whole DRM discussion we've
been having, I don't think so. Was the whole DRM discussion off-topic?
Probably, and I apologize for adding to it. I will move on to more
relevant topics. wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 03:41:12PM -0400, Timothy Miller wrote:
>>I am vaguely familiar with that. It uses vi-like editing commands?
>>Sounds great. Why isn't THAT the default shell? Why are these
>>usability perks not a priority to commercial vendors? Why are they a
>>priority for open source developers?
> ... and for $64000 question, could you get yourself vaguely familiar with
> the notion of on-topic posting?

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