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SubjectRe: Why DRM exists [was Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!] wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 14:19:13 EDT, Timothy Miller said:
>>I mean, when will Sun, IBM, or Compaq ever start shipping tcsh or bash
>>as the default shell? Don't they realize that people make typos and
>>would like to reedit the line they just typed? Why are they still in
>>the dark ages?
> Odd.. I use the vendor-provided 'ksh' on Solaris, AIX, and Tru64 (now an HP
> product), and they all have supported re-editing the line just typed for
> *years* (I can't prove it's over a decade, but I'm fairly sure it is).
> Remember that a major reason for 'bash' being created was because of licensing
> issues with the 'ksh' source.

I am vaguely familiar with that. It uses vi-like editing commands?
Sounds great. Why isn't THAT the default shell? Why are these
usability perks not a priority to commercial vendors? Why are they a
priority for open source developers?

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