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SubjectLost interrupts with IDE DMA on 2.5.x

I've recently added a second drive to my workstation and since then I'm
getting the following error from time to time:

Apr 25 20:42:06 beowulf kernel: hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x64
Apr 25 20:42:06 beowulf kernel: hda: lost interrupt
Apr 25 20:42:06 beowulf kernel: hda: dma_intr: bad DMA status (dma_stat=70)
Apr 25 20:42:06 beowulf kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x50 { DriveReady
SeekComplete }

Both drives are new Maxtors (60 and 40GB) on the VIA KT266 chipset (the mobo
is MSI K7T266 Pro2-A mobo):

----------VIA BusMastering IDE Configuration----------------
Driver Version: 3.36
South Bridge: VIA vt8233a
Revision: ISA 0x0 IDE 0x6
Highest DMA rate: UDMA133
BM-DMA base: 0xfc00
PCI clock: 33.3MHz
Master Read Cycle IRDY: 0ws
Master Write Cycle IRDY: 0ws
BM IDE Status Register Read Retry: yes
Max DRDY Pulse Width: No limit
-----------------------Primary IDE-------Secondary IDE------
Read DMA FIFO flush: yes yes
End Sector FIFO flush: no no
Prefetch Buffer: yes yes
Post Write Buffer: yes yes
Enabled: yes yes
Simplex only: no no
Cable Type: 80w 40w
Transfer Mode: UDMA UDMA PIO DMA
Address Setup: 120ns 120ns 120ns 120ns
Cmd Active: 90ns 90ns 90ns 90ns
Cmd Recovery: 30ns 30ns 30ns 30ns
Data Active: 90ns 90ns 330ns 90ns
Data Recovery: 30ns 30ns 270ns 30ns
Cycle Time: 15ns 15ns 600ns 120ns
Transfer Rate: 133.3MB/s 133.3MB/s 3.3MB/s 16.6MB/s

Of course, when the above happens, all disk I/O freezes. The above happens
only when there's simultaneous activity on both devices. It doesn't happen
when the devices are on different IDE interfaces. The transfer is always
retried and completed successfully, so it's not a bad hdd and I can only
guess the problem is somewhere in the DMA/IRQ handling by the IDE driver. If
there's not enough information to diagnose/solve the problem, I can do more
tests (run with 2.4 for a while, run with the generic IDE drive etc.).


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