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SubjectRe: NFS client locking hangs for period

Well, since I've more or less moved on from my original problems, I
should probably post a summary of what was going on, and what I did to
work around it.

Details can be read out from [1]: after a certain amount of time a
number diskless clients, which were mounting everything from the same
NFS server, started getting hung lock requests from the server. The
server ran 2.4.20, reiserfs over RAID-1 mounted with 2 SCSI disks on an
Adaptec 29160. The clients were debian woodys running 2.4.20.

Our diskless setup is a bit unusual: all the clients mount the same root
partition. I tried to be very careful to make sure no files were written
to on /, but I never got to the point where the clients could mount the
directory read-only. I used devfs to make sure that the /dev directories
were `localized' and syslog/console ownership and permissions kept sane.

The locking problem, however, was not related to the root filesystem --
it seems to have happened with files on the /var/log mount, which is
separate for each box (but still coming from a shared filesystem
/export/root on the server, which contains all the client directories).
If I mounted /var/log with the nolock option, they ran fine. This took
me a very long time to figure out, and I'd advise anyone with locking
problems to give it a go.

I should point out that this *does* seem to be a bug in the NFS server
code. I think it is associated with reiserfs, being that I haven't seen
it happen on other partition types. Rebooting the server cleared up the
problem. Erasing or changing files in /var/lib/nfs did not. While I was
initially using a volatile /var/lib/nfs directory on the *clients*, I
changed this on Trond's suggestion [2]. It did not fix the problem.

However, since I know little about the code itself, and it's not very
clear how one should debug, I was unable to pinpoint the exact source of
the problem, which very much saddens me. The workaround, however, was
quite effective.


Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil. | [+55 16] 261 2331 | NMFL
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