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Subject2.5.68 state of matroxfb
I'm just wondering what the state of the matroxfb driver is and why it's 
an option in the kernel when it's completely uncompilable and has been
for many months. I know it requires patches to work and i was under the
assumption that these patches were at but that site has
been down for the past few days i've tried to access it and with no
documentation updates about the new matroxfb driver since 2.4, I've been
unable to verify if this is the only place to find the matroxfb patches.
So what i'm getting at is why is there a matroxfb option in the
current kernel when the driver isn't there and what the future/current
situation is with the framebuffer driver. I'd like to get the most
hardware support for video output as possible and it seems like the mga
(mplayer) driver built on top of the fb driver is the way to do that
and since my Nvidia card is twice as fast at X operations as my G450, I
was assuming that the 2.5 fb code was just much better than the 2.4 fb
code since I use the nvidia fb driver in 2.5 with X using the nvidia
driver (Xfree's ). I've never been able to test that theory though
because i've never been able to build 2.5's matroxfb.

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