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Subject2.4.21-pre7 Oops and loss of keyboard
In 2.4.21-pre7, I get the following:

Warning: kfree_skb passed an skb still on a list (from c011b1a4).
kernel BUG at skbuff.c:315!
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c02268db>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00013282
eax: 00000045 ebx: c5e84440 ecx: 00000001 edx: c9546000
esi: c9f73f8c edi: 00000000 ebp: c9f72000 esp: c9f73f78
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process keventd (pid: 2, stackpage=c9f73000)
Stack: c02b4240 c011b1a4 c9f73f8c c011b1a4 c5e84440 c94282e4 c94282e4 ffffffff
c9f72568 c01233fc c02ccdb0 c9f72560 c9f72570 c9f72000 00000001 00000000
c02ca7e0 00010000 00000000 00000700 c01232e0 c031e500 00000000 c9f72000
Call Trace: [<c011b1a4>] [<c011b1a4>] [<c01233fc>] [<c01232e0>] [<c0105000>]
[<c01056c6>] [<c01232e0>]
Code: 0f 0b 3b 01 7b 32 2b c0 58 5a 8b 5c 24 08 e9 e2 fe ff ff 90

>>EIP; c02268db <__kfree_skb+11b/140> <=====

>>ebx; c5e84440 <_end+5b39714/a501334>
>>edx; c9546000 <_end+91fb2d4/a501334>
>>esi; c9f73f8c <_end+9c29260/a501334>
>>ebp; c9f72000 <_end+9c272d4/a501334>
>>esp; c9f73f78 <_end+9c2924c/a501334>

Trace; c011b1a4 <__run_task_queue+44/60>
Trace; c011b1a4 <__run_task_queue+44/60>
Trace; c01233fc <context_thread+11c/1c0>
Trace; c01232e0 <context_thread+0/1c0>
Trace; c0105000 <_stext+0/0>
Trace; c01056c6 <arch_kernel_thread+26/40>
Trace; c01232e0 <context_thread+0/1c0>

Code; c02268db <__kfree_skb+11b/140>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c02268db <__kfree_skb+11b/140> <=====
0: 0f 0b ud2a <=====
Code; c02268dd <__kfree_skb+11d/140>
2: 3b 01 cmp (%ecx),%eax
Code; c02268df <__kfree_skb+11f/140>
4: 7b 32 jnp 38 <_EIP+0x38>
Code; c02268e1 <__kfree_skb+121/140>
6: 2b c0 sub %eax,%eax
Code; c02268e3 <__kfree_skb+123/140>
8: 58 pop %eax
Code; c02268e4 <__kfree_skb+124/140>
9: 5a pop %edx
Code; c02268e5 <__kfree_skb+125/140>
a: 8b 5c 24 08 mov 0x8(%esp,1),%ebx
Code; c02268e9 <__kfree_skb+129/140>
e: e9 e2 fe ff ff jmp fffffef5 <_EIP+0xfffffef5>
Code; c02268ee <__kfree_skb+12e/140>
13: 90 nop

The keyboard then goes away (at least under X, which makes switching to
a VC impossible). Mouse still works, though. It seems like the system
is very broken at that point, though.
It's interesting to note, though, that SysRq still works.

Additionally, I've noticed that Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+S (dunno about other keys
other than S) locks in the Magic SysRq stuff. That is, all keys pressed
after that is interpreted as having been typed with Alt+SysRq. Is kind
of a pain because, of course, you can't switch VCs or do anything but
reboot. Plain Alt+SysRq+S works fine. (It might also be the fact that
I've swapped CapsLock and the left Ctrl keys in my keymap, but
everything works fine otherwise, so I dunno).

Thanks for any help.

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