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Subject[REPRODUCABLE BUGS] 2.5.68 Radeonfb screwed still... :(
        I've encountered two reproducable bugs, and one feature which can and 
can not
be called bug:

1. Radeon frame buffer driver still doesn't support mode change in kernel boot
params. In 2.6.65 it is OK.

append line from lilo.conf

append = " hdd=ide-scsi video=radeonfb:1024x768-24@100"

No mether what is in video=radeonfb:..., resolution is always set to
80x30 with 60Hz refresh. Same thing happens when there is video=radeon:...

2. Radeon frame buffer mode switching stll gives unexpected results. When
from lower res to higher, switching is ok but you still have old chararcter
res. eg. 80x30. The text is located in upper left corner, and the right side
off the text area is filled with garbage. Bellow text area there is nothing.

3. Cursor disapears when moving with cursor keys. This is very annoying when
you are editing text for example. Making cursror being visible during first
half of the blink period should solve this, am I right, or there is something

My config is attached, gcc version is 2.95.3.
Tanasković Toplica[unhandled content-type:application/x-bzip2]
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