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SubjectRe: [Linux-fbdev-devel] [PATCH]: EDID parser

> James,
> Here's a revised patch. I was able to receive source code from SciTech
> (c/o Kendall Bennett) which allowed me to fix bugs and complete the
> parser. It's probably around 90-95% complete in terms of basic parsing.
> It also fixes memory leaks which was present in the old patch.

Let really good. I applied it to my local tree but haven't passed it to BK
fbdev yet. The only thing I like to see changed is get_EDID. At present it
accepts a struct pci_dev. Now for generic support for the intel platform
we can get this from the BIOS. You already have a patch that does this.
It doesn't need a struct pci_dev in this case. It is possible to get this
info from the i2c bus but I never seen any drivers do this. What data would
we have to pass in get the EDID inforamtion? So the question is how
generic will get_EDID end up being or will we have to have driver specfic
hooks since I don't pitcure i2c approaches being the same for each video
card. Petr didn't you attempt this with the matrox driver at one time?

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