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Subjectnoapic and usb, linux 2.4.20
I'm trying to  have usb working on my  pc, based on a dual  athlon and a
motherboard GA-7DPXDW with linux 2.4.20 with the patch for xfs from sgi
and the patch for the sensors.

I was reading the linux-usb faq and I found:
> Sometimes a BIOS fix will be available for your motherboard, and in
> other cases a more recent kernel will have a Linux fix. You may be
> able to work around this by passing the noapic boot option to your
> kernel, or (when you're using an add-in PCI card) moving the USB
> adapter to some other PCI slot. If you're using a current kernel and
> BIOS, report this problem to the Linux-kernel mailing list, with
> details about your motherboard and BIOS.

So I'm writing hoping to be helpful. Usb works, but I have to pass
noapic to the kernel. Otherwise I get "device not accepting address"
when I plug a device in the usb port. The motherboard has been bought in
september. I remember the older mobos had the southbridge b1, which had
a faulty usb. My mobo has got the southbridge b2, which works.

Is there anything useful I can do?

Can you please explain me what "noapic" does? I think it changes the way
interrupts are handled, but I'm not sure. Do I miss something when I
pass noapic to the kernel?


PS: can you please cc your answer to my mailbox? Thank you.

Non c'è più forza nella normalità, c'è solo monotonia.
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