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SubjectRe: Entire LAN goes boo with 2.5.64

Some things you might want to look at:
Is the Linux box sending any traffic (look at the stats in ifconfig)?
Does a packet sniffer like give any clues as to the
type of traffic on the network?
Does the same thing occur if you run less processes, e.g. boot into run level
1 or 3?
Are there any processes consuming an unreasonable amount of CPU time on the
Linux box?
Is there a process which is being restarted many times a second, so top or ps
shows a radiply increasing PID?

It could be some network-aware process which has got stuck in a tight loop
sending requests to your windows box, e.g. a DHCP client.
I mention the DHCP client specifically because they sometimes get upset if you
don't enable some specific kernel networking options like CONFIG_PACKET or
CONFIG_FILTER & WinRoute might be acting as the DHCP server.


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