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SubjectRe: Updating the kernel of a RedHat 7.3
Dear Miguel Gonz?lez Casta?os,

Once you wrote about "Updating the kernel of a RedHat 7.3":
MGlCo> I have followed the instructions of redhat of how to upgrade a kernel
MGlCo> downloading from the web page the corresponding
MGlCo> RPMs.

It looks like you haven't followed all instructions...

MGlCo> I have downloaded the following RPMs for my fresh installation:
MGlCo> kernel-2.4.18-24.7.x.i686.rpm
MGlCo> kernel-source-2.4.18-24.7.x.i686.rpm
MGlCo> kernel-smp-2.4.18-24.7.x.i686.rpm (since its a double proccesor box)

Sometimes you need a little more then that, like modutils, for example.

MGlCo> I did the upgrade of the kernel-source RPM and had to use -ivh --nodeps
MGlCo> --force options to install the kernel and the kernel-smp RPMs.

Using either of --nodeps and --force is asking for troubles... not to
mention a combination of two.

MGlCo> I noticed that the kernel progress bar only reached the 50%.

Bad sign.

MGlCo> Everything seems to be fine, but what could be wrong or everything is
MGlCo> fine?

If you can run lilo without any complaints, I'd call it a pretty good
sign. Otherwise, noone knows. :)

Best regards,
Leonid Mamtchenkov, RHCE
System Administrator
Francoudi & Stephanou Ltd.

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