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Subjectkernel BUG at highmem.c:159! bugreport

attached you can find an oops processed trough ksymmoops


ksymoops 2.4.8 on i686 2.4.20-athlon-pp. Options used
-v vmlinux__2.4.20-athlon-pp (specified)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.20-athlon-pp/ (default)
-m System.map__2.4.20-athlon-pp (specified)

kernel BUG at highmem.c:159!
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c01345c9>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: c2b924b0 ecx: e4f94000 edx: 00000000
esi: f784a734 edi: 00000000 ebp: f5127e30 esp: e4f95ea4
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process exim (pid: 7547, stackpage=e4f95000)
Stack: c2b924b0 f784a734 c0171015 c2b924b0 c012b6b5 f5127d80 c2b924b0 e4f95f8c
e4f94000 e4f95f8c f5127d80 c0171047 f5127e30 00000000 c0170fb0 f5127d80
c0171152 f5127d80 e4f95ef4 f50ce1c0 00000000 c013f99a f50ce1c0 e4f95f8c
Call Trace: [<c0171015>] [<c012b6b5>] [<c0171047>] [<c0170fb0>] [<c0171152>]
[<c013f99a>] [<c013fb0a>] [<c013fc8b>] [<c0140054>] [<c0135b9b>] [<c0135ef6>]
Code: 0f 0b 9f 00 98 f7 26 c0 05 00 00 00 02 c1 e8 0c c1 e0 02 ba

>>EIP; c01345c9 <kunmap_high+9/80> <=====

>>ebx; c2b924b0 <_end+284360c/386531bc>
>>ecx; e4f94000 <_end+24c4515c/386531bc>
>>esi; f784a734 <_end+374fb890/386531bc>
>>ebp; f5127e30 <_end+34dd8f8c/386531bc>
>>esp; e4f95ea4 <_end+24c47000/386531bc>

Trace; c0171015 <nfs_symlink_filler+65/80>
Trace; c012b6b5 <read_cache_page+85/120>
Trace; c0171047 <nfs_getlink+17/80>
Trace; c0170fb0 <nfs_symlink_filler+0/80>
Trace; c0171152 <nfs_follow_link+22/70>
Trace; c013f99a <link_path_walk+70a/860>
Trace; c013fb0a <path_walk+1a/20>
Trace; c013fc8b <path_lookup+1b/30>
Trace; c0140054 <open_namei+74/560>
Trace; c0135b9b <filp_open+3b/60>
Trace; c0135ef6 <sys_open+36/90>
Trace; c0108837 <system_call+33/38>

Code; c01345c9 <kunmap_high+9/80>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01345c9 <kunmap_high+9/80> <=====
0: 0f 0b ud2a <=====
Code; c01345cb <kunmap_high+b/80>
2: 9f lahf
Code; c01345cc <kunmap_high+c/80>
3: 00 98 f7 26 c0 05 add %bl,0x5c026f7(%eax)
Code; c01345d2 <kunmap_high+12/80>
9: 00 00 add %al,(%eax)
Code; c01345d4 <kunmap_high+14/80>
b: 00 02 add %al,(%edx)
Code; c01345d6 <kunmap_high+16/80>
d: c1 e8 0c shr $0xc,%eax
Code; c01345d9 <kunmap_high+19/80>
10: c1 e0 02 shl $0x2,%eax
Code; c01345dc <kunmap_high+1c/80>
13: ba 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%edx

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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:34    [W:0.176 / U:0.008 seconds]
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