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SubjectRe: lm sensors sysfs file structure
Martin Schlemmer wrote:

> For instance, what my bios say, and what the raw reading from
> /proc is, is two different things. I also had to slightly adjust
> things between some models of Asus boards I had.
But why not return always the raw data then and don't do any conversion
at all? I mean, if we already try to guess the real value in the driver,
we should try to get it right.
Ah, and I don't want to do small corrections like 1 or 2 percent up or
down, but things like this for lm80:
compute in0 (24/14.7 + 1) * @ , @ / (24/14.7 + 1)
compute in2 (22.1/30 + 1) * @ , @ / (22.1/30 + 1)
compute in3 (2.8/1.9) * @, @ * 1.9/2.8
compute in4 (160/30.1 + 1) * @, @ / (160/30.1 + 1)

These differ a lot. And as stated in the sensors.conf seem to be from
the datasheet of the lm80 and not mainboard specific.
So that the sysfs values at least are near reality.



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