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SubjectRe: [PATCH] s390 update (1/9): s390 arch fixes.

> It looks you do exactly the same changes to both s390 and s390x. A
> look at the arch directories shows that about 95% of the code is exactly
> the same. Can you remove the s390x dir and abstract out the few
> into a config option?

s390 and s390x are similar at the first glance. But if you look in detail
you will notice that there are a lot of small differences. A simple diff
of the files that are present in both arch folger gives a patch of 5600
lines. Compare this to the 11500 lines these files have in total. So the
code is definitly NOT 95% the same. Further the arch folder is not the
only place to look for s390 files. You need to consider include/asm
as well. Overall it is not an easy task. You have a point though that it
would be very nice to have common files for all s390/s390x files, not just
for the device drivers. If I have lots of time someday I probably will
try it but for now it way too much effort.

blue skies,

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