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SubjectRe: Ptrace hole / Linux 2.2.25
"Martin J. Bligh" <> writes:

>The distros inherently have a conflict of interest getting changes merged
>back into mainline ... it's time consuming to do, it provides them no real
>benefit (they have to maintain their huge trees anyway), and it actively
>damages the "value add" they provide.

Well, I hope that the fragmentation of Unix in the 80'ies with the
resulting rise of an unified OS to be marked leader ("DOS", then
"Windows") should've learned that lesson with the vendors.

Linux ATM is heading exactly in the same direction as Unix went when
Sun/HP/IBM/DEC decided not to keep an unified Unix base. It isn't
heading that fast, mainly because the vendors must keep open source
trees and they work from a central baseline ("Linus kernels") but we
already have various distributions which sell "Linux" with a hugely
different kernel. Think e.g. VM or devfs. Or supported file systems.


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen INTERMETA GmbH +49 9131 50 654 0

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