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SubjectPreferred way to load non-free firmware

I'm writing a Linux device driver for a device that requires non-free
firmware in order to function. The firmware can be easily extracted from
the Windows driver for that device. The device is a PCMCIA wireless card.

The firmware is about 60k in size, and it mostly consists of executable
code for ARM processor. Reimplementing it is out of question for me.

What would be the best approach to handle this situation:

1) Register a file on procfs and use "cat" to load the firmware into the

2) Register a device for the same purpose.

3) Register a device, but use ioctl().

4) Open a network socket and use ioctl() on it (like ifconfig does).

5) Use one of the the above ways to send the filename to the module and
let the module load the firmware from file using do_generic_file_read().

6) Provide a script to wrap firmware into a module and load it using

7) Encode the firmware into a header file, add it to the driver and
pretend that the copyright issue doesn't exist (like it's done in the
Keyspan USB driver).

Better ideas?

Pavel Roskin
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