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Subject[BUG] laptop keyboard
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I have a Gateway 600 series notebook. I have been using and testing the
developmental kernel for some time now. I have just noticed that my
keyboard''s "fn" key combinations stop working upon booting 2.5.65. They
worked as recently as 2.5.63 and I could not get 2.5.64 to compile cleanly.
These key combinations are supposed to make various things happen on my
laptop. I believe that they are controlled by the bios, as I can see results
of some while on the bios load screen.

Fn-F1 - Labeled "Help"; don't know what it does
Fn-F2 - Labeled "Status"; used to show battery status in upper left
Fn-F3 - Labeled "LCD/CRT"; switch montior output among built in LCD, back
monitor port, and both
Fn-F4 - Labeled "Standby"; used to function as the ACPI standby button
Fn-F9 - Labeled "Pad Lock"; think num lock; strangely, this one still
work in 2.5.65
Fn-F10 - Labeled "Scroll Lock"
Fn-F11 - Labeled "Pause"
Fn-F12 - Labeled "Break"

I have tested that the Fn-F2 combination works in bios and grub and continues
to work until the 2.5.65 kernel is loaded.

I think this is a regression in the keyboard handling for the 2.5.65 kernel.

Like I said before, all of the Fn combinations work in 2.5.63. If anyone has a
patch from 2.5.63 to something after 2.5.64 that compiles, I would be happy
to try it. I setup a bitkeeper clone of Linus's latest, so if someone could
give me some bitkeeper magic to export diffs from 2.5.63 to 2.5.64 in a
relavant directory (probably drivers/input/keyboard) maybe I could look to
see what changed, although I don't know if I am skilled enough to find errors
in the code.

Thanks, Warren Turkal
Treasurer, GOLUM, Inc.

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