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Subject[2.5.65] Oops in process pdflush / do_journal_end (reiserfs)

today I encountered the following oops in kernel 2.5.65. Looks like reiserfs
is involved in some way.

ksymoops 2.4.9 on i586 2.5.65. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.5.65/ (default)
-m /boot/ (specified)

Error (regular_file): read_ksyms stat /proc/ksyms failed
No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 80c3eed0
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0060:[<c019f4f0>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010212
eax: 00000010 ebx: c10d7240 ecx: 00000004 edx: c3f21431
esi: 80c3eed0 edi: c3824000 ebp: c482e640 esp: c1b37e48
ds: 007b es: 007b ss: 0068
Stack: 00000282 3e7b41f8 00000004 00000002 00000000 0000000d 0000000d
0000080b c2f72cd0 c2f727f0 c3c1e000 c35bf000 c482ed90 c1b37eb0
c3f11600 3e7b41f9 c019e9b5 c1b37eb0 c3f11600 00000001 00000006
Call Trace: [<c019e9b5>] [<c018e18a>] [<c01417e1>] [<c012ae8f>]
[<c0111e36>] [<c012b472>] [<c012b540>] [<c012b54b>] [<c012ae40>]
[<c0106f64>] [<c0106f69>]
Code: f3 a5 a8 02 74 02 66 a5 a8 01 74 01 a4 8b 44 24 14 40 89 44

>>EIP; c019f4f0 <do_journal_end+490/be0> <=====

Trace; c019e9b5 <flush_old_commits+105/180>
Trace; c018e18a <reiserfs_write_super+1a/20>
Trace; c01417e1 <sync_supers+71/80>
Trace; c012ae8f <wb_kupdate+4f/140>
Trace; c0111e36 <schedule+196/330>
Trace; c012b472 <__pdflush+b2/180>
Trace; c012b540 <pdflush+0/10>
Trace; c012b54b <pdflush+b/10>
Trace; c012ae40 <wb_kupdate+0/140>
Trace; c0106f64 <kernel_thread_helper+0/c>
Trace; c0106f69 <kernel_thread_helper+5/c>

Code; c019f4f0 <do_journal_end+490/be0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c019f4f0 <do_journal_end+490/be0> <=====
0: f3 a5 repz movsl %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi) <=====
Code; c019f4f2 <do_journal_end+492/be0>
2: a8 02 test $0x2,%al
Code; c019f4f4 <do_journal_end+494/be0>
4: 74 02 je 8 <_EIP+0x8> c019f4f8
Code; c019f4f6 <do_journal_end+496/be0>
6: 66 a5 movsw %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
Code; c019f4f8 <do_journal_end+498/be0>
8: a8 01 test $0x1,%al
Code; c019f4fa <do_journal_end+49a/be0>
a: 74 01 je d <_EIP+0xd> c019f4fd
Code; c019f4fc <do_journal_end+49c/be0>
c: a4 movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
Code; c019f4fd <do_journal_end+49d/be0>
d: 8b 44 24 14 mov 0x14(%esp,1),%eax
Code; c019f501 <do_journal_end+4a1/be0>
11: 40 inc %eax
Code; c019f502 <do_journal_end+4a2/be0>
12: 89 44 00 00 mov %eax,0x0(%eax,%eax,1)

1 error issued. Results may not be reliable.

Best regards,
Axel Siebenwirth
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