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SubjectHow to Enable Hyper Threading?
I have the following system running a downloaded and custom compiled
kernel 2.4.20 from with SMP enabled.

Intel E7205 Chipset Asus P4G8X Motherboard (533Mhz FSB)
400Mhz DDR RAM
Intel P4 3.06Ghz HT Processor

At the bios screen I get a message that tells me I have two processors in
the system. Also the BIOS does have HT enabled, and the APIC interupts are

However when I boot linux I get a message telling me the motherboard does
not support SMP and top never reports more than 1 cpu.

"SMP Motherboard not detected"

/proc/cpuinfo only reports a single CPU as does top. The HT in the Xeon
systems I have reports 2 "virtual" cpu's per physical CPU.

Is this motherboard not support for HT in the kernel? Is there something
else I need to enable to get HT to work with the P4 3.06Ghz chip on this

Thanks in advance,


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