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Subjectproblems after ext3 recovery
 Wondering if this is a kernel-related problem... upon boot, the filesystem is
mounted as readonly, and it says that read-write will be enabled during the
recovery process. The recovery complete's successfully, but then it does not
remount as read-write, it mounts as readonly, as shown byt he output here:

EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly
Mounted devfs on /dev
Freeing unused kernel memory: 72k freed
INIT: version 2.84 booting

/sbin/rc: /var/state/init.d/softlevel: Read-only file system
install: cannot create directory '/var/state/init.d/failed' : Read-only file
install: cannot create directory '/var/state/init.d/' : Read-only
file system

From then on, it tries to create symlinks in those two directories to a bunch of
stuff in /etc.... but... they don't exist, so it doesn't work....

Wondering is this is an ext3 or another kernel related problem. If so, I
thought I should bring it to your attention. Also, any advice on how to fix
this would be grrrrrreat. I am running the 2.4.19 kernel, and have since tried
to boot with a 2.5.52 kernel, and have gotten the same results.


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