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SubjectRe: Monta Vista software license terms
My two bits:

1. I am eternally grateful for the contributions Montavista has
made to the gnu tools. Their recent contribution of a
multithread cabable gdbserver to gdb-5.3 is invaluable.

2. I contantly see Montavista people feeding back improvements
here and there, and they are quick to respond when I have
questions about issues like the ppc405 erratum 77 workarounds.
And I've never given them any money!

Montavista *is* playing nice. As far as I can
tell, they obey the rules, and actively feed
their improvements back to the community.

Yes, they could do more -- but they don't have to, and if
they did, it might endanger their cash flow and thus the
stream of improvements they're feeding back to the community.

Please let them be. I like what they're doing.
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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