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SubjectRE: PnP model
> From: John Bradford [] 
> > I think the people who want to manually configure their device's
> > resources need to step up and justify why this is really necessary.
> Prototyping an embedded system, maybe, where you have devices in the
> test box that won't be in the production machine. You would want them
> to use resources other than those that you want the hardware which
> will be present to use.

Ok fair enough. But I think the drivers should always think things are
handled in a PnP manner, even if they really aren't. ;-) For example,
between the stages where PnP enumerates the devices and the stage where
drivers get device_add notifications as a result of that, we will be
assigning the system resources to each device, but we could also
implement a way at this stage for people to manually alter things. I
think this is the right place to do this, as opposed to having all the
drivers implement code to probe for themselves.


Regards -- Andy
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