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SubjectCode: Bad EIP value
Hi there, i have a little shutdown problem. I tried to find the answer 
on the internet,
irc channels and so on , but no one there knows. Someone in the mandrake
irc channel at advised me to turn to you.

I use mandrake dolphin 9.0 download version,
on an AMD k6 400 3d now, with dfi motherboard, and ami bios.
when i shutdown after the message


i get an error:

EIP: 0050:[<00008865>] Not tainted
EFLAGS: 00010046
eax: 0005301 ebx: 00000001 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
esi: 00008136 edi: 00000296 ebp: 67890000 esp: c8ae7dd0
ds: 0058 es: 000 ss: 0018
Process halt cpid: 2559, stackpage+ c8ae70000
stack: 02968df 81360000 00000000
0000000 00000000 81250058
c01148dd 00000010

call Trace : [<c01148dd>] [<c0110000>]

Code: Bad EIP value

Is there any direction where is should look for this error?
and how can i get around it?
I tried the <linux noapic> at boot but that did not solve this error.
When i turn off the power after this error and then power up the pc and
boot agian
everythings works as normal. < but wen shutting down the error is there

Hopefully you can give me some information , so that i can solve this
litttle problem.

With lots of greeting from the netherlands,

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