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SubjectPatch: 2.5.62 devfs shrink
	Here is an update to my patch to shrink devfs for linux-2.5.62.
The patch is a net deletion of 2407 lines. It contains the following new

- Maneesh Soni submitted a patch for operation with the
read-copy-update code, which was extremely good timing,
as that code apparently got integrated into 2.5.62.

- Fixed a bug reported by Alistair Strachan where
pseudo-terminals could not be allocated by non-super-user
processes (devfs needed to set CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE in a couple
of places).

- Restore the devfs=nomount option, to accomodate a distribution
compatability problem reported by Steven Cole. devfs=nomount
suppresses the effect CONFIG_DEVFS_MOUNT--that is, mounting
of /dev before the kernel invokes /sbin/init. Note: perhsps
we should eliminate CONFIG_DEVFS_MOUNT entirely. I'll have
to check to see if it is needed by systems that boot directly
to a hardware device rather than to an initial ramdisk.

Presumably because of the size of all of the "-" lines in the
patch, the linux-kernel mailing list filters it out, so I'll just post
a URL for it:

Also, here is the URL for the latest devfs_helper user level
program (version 0.2, unchanged). It is a reduced functionality
replacement for devfsd.

I'll also describe my "to do" list for this software, in case
anyone spots something I've forgotten:

- Submit a patch to the -mm kernels, as Andrew has been
kind enough to distribute this change in his -mm kernels.
- Write a small FAQ list on moving from old devfs.
- Probably request integration after linux-2.7.0.

Adam J. Richter __ ______________ 575 Oroville Road \ / Milpitas, California 95035
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