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Subject2.5.60 NFS FSX
2.5.60's NFS seems to have various issues.
(2.5.60 client, 2.4.21pre3 server)

- I ran an fsx and an fsstress in parallel.
Client rebooted after 2-3 minutes.
- fsx on its own, after quite a while, this happens..

truncating to largest ever: 0x3ffff
skipping zero size read
skipping zero size write
skipping zero size write
skipping zero size write
READ BAD DATA: offset = 0x358ba, size = 0x4867
0x36000 0x0000 0x8c1a 0x 1ff3
operation# (mod 256) for the bad data may be 140
LOG DUMP (176283 total operations):
176284(156 mod 256): READ 0x35b07 thru 0x38c67 (0x3161 bytes) ***RRRR***
176285(157 mod 256): READ 0x12552 thru 0x1af77 (0x8a26 bytes)
176286(158 mod 256): WRITE 0x3560f thru 0x3ffff (0xa9f1 bytes) ***WWWW
176287(159 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x1aaae thru 0x233bf (0x8912 bytes)
176288(160 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x3635d thru 0x3661b (0x2bf bytes)
176289(161 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x374c0 thru 0x3ba42 (0x4583 bytes) ***RRRR***
176290(162 mod 256): WRITE 0x16794 thru 0x192eb (0x2b58 bytes)
176291(163 mod 256): READ 0x128bf thru 0x1d5b0 (0xacf2 bytes)
176292(164 mod 256): READ 0x330d5 thru 0x35b26 (0x2a52 bytes)
176293(165 mod 256): MAPREAD 0xff6b thru 0x13c4e (0x3ce4 bytes)
176294(166 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x1c5e0 thru 0x2a720 (0xe141 bytes)
176295(167 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x2a8df thru 0x2e628 (0x3d4a bytes)
176296(168 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x370cc thru 0x3be24 (0x4d59 bytes) ******WWWW
176297(169 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x21637 thru 0x30999 (0xf363 bytes)
... <much more spew ..
(full log is at )

Finally, I see a lot of these in the client logs..

NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 8192 > recvd 1000
NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 8192 > recvd 1000
NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 8192 > recvd 1000
NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 3888 > recvd 1000
NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 8192 > recvd 1000
NFS: server cheating in read reply: count 8192 > recvd 1000


| Dave Jones.
| SuSE Labs
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