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Subjectproblems with console configuration
I've seen a number of postings to the list complaining of output to the 
console ceasing after the Uncompressing Linux line at the beginning of
boot. I ran into this myself.

I believe one cause of this is the new console on framebuffer console
configuration option. I believe some people are not turning on the
option, but then are trying to output to the framebuffer by selecting a
video mode which does that.

I've also ran into what seems an anomaly in the configuration options. If
Input device selection is set to modular (CONFIG_INPUT) then it doesn't
seem to be possible to turn on virtual terminal (CONFIG_VT) or support for
console on virtual terminal (CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE). At least in make
menuconfig, those options don't appear if the former isn't set to y. It
is going to be rather difficult to see console output if those aren't
available isn't it?

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