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SubjectKeyboard acces

I don't know, if this is realy kernel related, but i don't know a better

I want to access the local keyboard. Because i have at normal operation no
graphic adapter on this computer, the application is not able to access the
keyboard via the /dev/vc/[1..n], because the kernel runs it console on the
serial port. If i'm using a vga adapter, this is not a problem.

Normaly the application (it is VDR, the Video Disk Recorder from Klaus
Schmidinger) uses the input of one of the virtual terminal devices
/dev/tty[1..n] (or /dev/vc/[1..n] in case of devfs), specified via a command
line option.

Now to my question:
Is there a device available, that i can use to read the local keyboard if
the kernel runs its console on one of the serial ports? It is a normal AT
compatible keyboard, not a USB device.

It is not possible to let the vga card inside of the computer, because it
would not fit into the small case.

Any hints for my problem? Or another mailing list or forum where i can
search for a solution?

Thanks in advance,

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