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Subjectvery large FAT16 partition not readable on 2.6.0-test11
Hi all,

I just bought a new USB/Firewire external drive. It comes pre-formatted
as FAT16 (or so shows fdisk) as one big 80Gb partition. Unfortunately,
Linux can't seem to mount this partition, and I get the following dmesg
output when trying to mount the partition:
FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1.

Now before I blow it away and put a sane filesystem on this disk, I
saved off the MBR and the initial portion of the partitions if anyone
wants to poke around and take a look at it. I'll keep the filesystem
as-is for a few days if anyone wants me to get any more data from it.

The files are:
(generated by: 'dd if=/udev/sdb count=1 bs=512 > fat16_mbr')
(generated by: 'dd if=/udev/sdb count=1000 bs=512 > fat16_sdb')
(generated by: 'dd if=/udev/sdb count=1000 bs=512 > fat16_sdb1')

Oh, 2.4.23 also can't seem to read it, so it doesn't look like this is a
regression or anything.


greg k-h
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